[ Reminder ] FreePBX has an incredible amount of flexibility. In our examples if we don't mention a field or a tab in a configuration example, then we're recommending you leave it default/blank unless it's a feature you understand and need.
Time Groups allow you to establish certain timeframes such as the days and hours that your business is open. Time Conditions look at these Time Groups and make determinations on where to send the caller (what actions/menus).
In the rare case you are operating a business 24/7, we still recommend you make a 'Normal Business Hours' time group that way should the day arrive where you really do need your callers to be redirected to an 'After-Hours' (Closed) menu you can easily do so on events such as holidays or emergencies.
Adding A Standard Time Group (Example):
Description: Regular Business Hours (Cosmetic, you can use any name)
Time to Start: 08 and 00 (for 8am)
Time to Finish: 17 and 00 (for 5pm)
Week Day Start: Monday
Week Day Finish: Friday
Month Day Start: 1
Month Day Finish: 31
Month Start: January
Month Finish: December
*IF* you want to include a lunch hour, simply make this 08-00 to 11-59 and then click '+Add Time' and add another block that is the same, but runs from 13-00 to 17-00.
Click [Submit] to save your selections, and the red 'Apply Config' to get the PBX Server to make them live.
1. Even if your PBX is hosting multiple companies, you can use just one Time Group to be referenced by all of them as long as they carry the same operational hours. Should you actually require different Time Groups, it's recommened you put the company initials in the 'Description' field for each one, so you can easily identify which Time Group is for which company, when you are referencing these later in other FreePBX menus (such as Inbound Routes).