[ SoftPhone ] The term 'SoftPhone' refers to a software phone, be it on a PC, MAC, tablet, or phone type device. Our servers/systems support SIP-based softphones.
If you are looking for a good stable SIP-based Phone solution for your mobile phone, we recommend a product called 'Bria', the 'Bria Solo' package.
URL : https://www.counterpath.com/plan-select-solo/
The current 'cost' of Bria is $2.95/month (Billed $35.40/annually).
How it works : Because it is software on your phone/device, Bria works using your 'data' connection just like any other App, whether it's cell service or local wi-fi. If you are using Bria on a cell phone, it is an app, and thus not interfere with your regular phone service/function.
Unlimited Data Required/Recommended : Using a softphone on a mobile device/tablet requires the use of the 'data' aspect of your device - which could mean a lot of data bandwidth per month depending on how much you use it. For this reason, we recommend that this solution is used on devices with unlimited data plans or restricted to use with wi-fi connections so that you don't incur additional personal charges, for which you are responsible.
Online Support : https://support.counterpath.com/hc/en-us/categories/360002425273-Bria-Solo
Required Information
Configure Bria Mobile
Once you select 'Enabled' to ON, the 'Account Status' at the top of the screen should say 'Registered' if all the settings are correct. You can also select 'Test Push Service' at the bottom and it will perform a test call to itself.