[ About ] Parking Pro is a commercial module (addon) to our PBX System that provides a global parking lot where you can park calls and retrieve them from any extension with on-phone indicators (BLF's) where supported. As of 2019, Sangnoma charges $125.00 for 25 year license or $65.00 for a 1 year license
[ GrandStream ] These instructions were written for the GrandStream series phones that we often recommend/distribute to our clients. Even if you aren't using GrandStream phones, this guide will still assist you in various aspects of the parking log feature such as keystrokes & shortcuts in the advanced section at the bottom of this article.
A 'Parking Lot' is termed as a destination to put calls on hold where they can be retrieved by any extension. This is different from a 'local hold' where you hit the hold (pause) button on your phone and the call is still only accessible on your phone/extension unless you transfer it elsewhere manually. Like a local hold, the caller is typically listening to hold music while waiting. Depending on your phone/model and how it was programmed, you could have have has many as 8 'lots' for which to place calls.
This guide was written for our GrandStream Phones, typically the 21xx Series with LED Display, but can be used as a guide to fit other models.
How it works : On your phone you should see a button marked 'Park' and one (or more) buttons labeled 'Lot ##' (a number) showing the ID of a particular parking lot.
To park a call, simply hit the 'Park' button while you are still engaged on a call, and wait for the phone to respond with a confirmation of the Lot number (important you wait for the confirmation). At that point, you should see the call placed into the parking lot and the visual indicator turn 'red' showing that the parking lot is now occupied by a (your) caller. At this point you may hang up the handset. If you were on speakerphone when parking the call, you will hear hold music until you hang up the speakerphone (turn it off).
The caller will to listen to hold music until another extension picks up the call by pressing the appropiate lot button (Such as 'Lot 71'). If nobody picks up the call within a designated amount of time (programmed on the PBX), then the call will be returned to the extension that parked it - making sure that no caller is ever parked and forgotten about for a length of time. If you parked the call so they can wait on another extension that isn't quite ready, we recommend when it's returned to you that you thank them for their patience and return them back to the parking lot for additional waiting.
PBX : Fine-Tuning Parking Pro
To make changes to your parking lot, please log into the FreePBX Control Panel, and navigate toApplications --> Parking Lot --> Click the Edit (pencil) icon on the Extension 70 icon.
- Parking Lot Name This is cosmetic and useful to change when you have multipole lots.
- Number of Slots Determines how many lots you will have (71...72... 73...)
- Parking Timeout How long will the caller sit in the parking lot until they are returned to you for inactivity?
- Come Back to Origin If the caller sits too long in the lot, are they sent back to you?
- Destination If everything fails, where should the caller be sent?
- Announcement If the call is being sent back, do we play a custom recording? (rarely used)
Advanced Information
1. Example Manual Keystrokes
- *270 Attended Transfer call to the Parking Lot Extension. The lot number will be announced to the caller.
- *275 Attended Transfer to lot 75
- *2nn Attended Transfer to lot nn
- 70 Park Yourself
- 71 Park Yourself into lot 71
- nn Park Yourself into lot nn
2. Creating Custom Keys/Lots on Grandstream GPX21xx Phones
- Log into the phone via the IP using a web browser, http://<IP>
- (Default login/pass combo on grandstream is admin/admin)
- If you need the IP of your phone, hit the 'up' arrow on the circle.
- In the phone software, navigate to SETTINGS --> Programmable Keys --> Virtual Multi-Purpose Keys
- Create a park button: Mode: Dial DTMF, Accounts: Account 1, Description: Park, Value: *270
- Create a lot button: Mode: Busy Lamp Field (BLF), Accounts: Account 1, Description: Lot 71, Value: 71
- (Substitute 71 for the lot number in question.. lots start at 71 and increase from there... 71...72...)
3. Parking Pro Home Page
- Module Web Site : https://www.freepbx.org/parking-pro/